Friday, October 31, 2014

A Hot, Black and Bitter Video?

It was never my plan to be a video sensation... and that still hasn't happened! ;) What seems like a million years ago, I went to a blogging conference at Cedar Point. It was not a million years ago, it was in September, but in Hot, Black and Bitter time a month and a half is a million years ago (what do you want from me? I can barely remember what I did yesterday!)

At this conference Lefty and I met a ton of nice people, was able to put names and faces together (which is always a little hard when you 'talk' to people online exclusively) and we were able to get a few tips to make our blogging better. While sitting in a session, I met this cute lady who was talking about sitting down and putting our ideas on video. Say what? I mean, doesn't she know that I am too sassy for face to video communication?! In our session she (Doctor G) told us that we should make a goal for videos, write down how many we want to post per month and make it happen. Again, I am very comfortable with the blog, not so much with the video-- or a camera for that matter. Instead of senior pictures, my mother followed me around school one day and took pictures of me, NO LIE. I am just not all that comfortable with picture taking/video producing.

That being said, I always have smartass responses for any and everything that happens around me. I am very vocal (surprise), very opinionated (surprise again) and just about always right (so says my Lefty, because he loves me). Plus, I made a commitment when I spoke with Doctor G. Since I promised that I would post videos... I made one. For the remainder of the year, I said that I wanted to make ONE video per month (nothing like starting out slow, right? And not for nothing, nothing like waiting till the last freaking minute, HELLO October 31, 11:30 pm!)

My hope is that these limited number of videos will show that I am much more than JUST a smartass keyboard ninja, I am an actual human being and that I am not always bitter... because I am not (about 5% of the time). Without further adieu, a Halloween video-- kinda. LOL


Anonymous said...

Nice video.

Miss Mox said...

thank you!

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