Thursday, June 20, 2013

Garden Love

Over here at the Hot, Black and Bitter Palace we are growing a garden of loveliness. So before I shit on your weekend with tomorrow's Fed Up Friday, I decided to share some of our garden greatness! I am so amped!! Lefty and I have already enjoyed some broccoli from the garden... next up green beans and strawberries. Oh yes, summertime ROCKS!! 

Here are some pics from the day we planted in May. 

This is the zucchini from a couple weeks ago.

Broccoli before we harvested our first bunches.

Zucchini coming in!! 

Harvesting Green Beans!! :) 

Cucumbers!!! Yay!!! 


Today we HAD to take pics of the zucchini and tomatoes--  I will post them soon! 


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