First up: Andrew Belle
- Native son of the Chicagoland area (Wheaton)
- his music has been on Grey's Anatomy (how cool is that??)
- Saw him in concert at Double Door this year- nice vocals and seems like an all around nice guy
Andy Davis
- I *love* this guy, no seriously. I met him at Double Door and he was the sweetest. EVER. He should consider being my musical husband- I'm just saying.
- Avid Tweeter (that makes me smile)
- LOVE to hear him live
- I know that this song is not new, but it makes my day better so here is Laugh So you Don't Cry
And because you have to see him live... here is a cover of At Last
Marc Broussard
- he is all over this blog and I love him too
- Native son of the Bayou state
- Covered some Al Greene (and it was awesome) YouTube him immediately
Josh Hoge
- Um, wow so hot... and he can sing? I'll take it!!
- his cover of Ain't No Sunshine makes my heart palpitate- in a good way.
- he is tattooed *fans self* So here are two videos of Josh
I am sure there are more Blue Eyed Soulful Saturdays ahead! :)

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