I read stories like
this and I have to say I get excited. A story about violence on the streets of Chicago is generally disheartening, but THIS story about a 68 year old woman who is simply
tired of the bad behavior of children in the neighborhood and decided to no longer be a victim, is a story of triumph. On FaceBook, Twitter and in face to face conversation, I can often be overheard talking about the bad ass kids in my neighborhood. Kids who seem to have no direction; who are comfortable spending the whole day on the corner doing nothing; kids who have no home life to speak of. These are the kids that have taken over Mrs. Matthews neighborhood. Those are the kids that she shot before they could take advantage of her. I believe that the situation that happened yesterday will (and should) take place a little more often. People NEED limitations. I am tired of coming home and wondering if someone else has decided to break into my house; tired of seeing my city being
portrayed so disparagingly; tired of these bad ass kids thinking they can do whatever they want without any consequences. If we are facing facts- the #1 fact is that there are not enough police and even if there were, as a community we have an
obligation to each other to raise our children and tell them (and show them) the difference between right and wrong. Someone failed. Failed Mrs. Matthews, as their neighbor, failed the City of Chicago and most of all, someone failed these kids.
Since the papers are reporting that Mrs. Matthews in 68, I did some math and figured out that she was born in 1942. A quick google search will let anyone know that 1942 was a different time. Right? I did some searching- 1942 is the year that Mayor Daley was born; Casablanca was released; World War II was raging; the Armed Forces in the United States was still segregated; and the United Nations was created. Think about how many things have changed in this country, hell, in Chicago since 1942. This woman has
earned the right to not be harrassed by some kids with no home training. I bet that people would be a little more mindful of where their children are, and manners would make a come back if there were more people like Mrs. Matthews willing to take a chance. Willing to say "No... Today I will not be a victim." Live today and drop that victim status. Congrats, Mrs. Matthews and thank you!
I really need to be out partying right now...
Anyway, I'm still trying to figure out when it became the norm for children to say anything to adults. I'm 28 years old and I *still* don't disrespect my elders, even at my maddest. Where the hell are these kids' parents? From what I understand, this has been going on for quite awhile but the parents did nothing. When the child got his behind shot (for trespassing), they jumped to his defense quite quickly.
I'm astounded by the sheer volume of poor parenting that I notice everywhere. People now excuse things that would warrant more than a "butt-whupping" when I was younger. Kids throwing fits in the store over the word "no". Kids tormenting others in school and on the street. Teens...jeez..that's another post entirely.
I don't have children and I understand that its not easy, but the laspe in establishing boundaries, appropriate manners and behavior is taking a great toll on our society as a whole. Bad children turn out to be even worse adults and unfortunately procreate and continue the cycle.
Perhaps if they had disciplined him sooner, he wouldn't have a flesh wound now. I don't advocate shooting anyone, but I understand...maybe this will prevent the boy from having a bullet in his head at 16 in a bad gang retaliation attack.
On a side note: If you bust up my windows, destroy my property and call me names... I will likely set your house on fire and make you watch tied up to a to a tree. Its the passive aggressive/sociopath in me...
You are SO nice. I am advocating flesh wounds. Honestly, I bet he won't do it again.
His parents are ABSENT, and it seems they have been for a while because his behind is out of control. It should have never gotten that far. If someone was "on him" like my parents were "on me" he wouldn't be in the hospital. People need to clearly understand the following: children should be the priority, and if you show them a f*&cked up example, their life is going to be just that- f*&ked up.
Thanks for the comment, dear! :) You and I + Bleeding Heart Bakery= soon!!
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