Saturday, February 04, 2012

Soulful Saturday - Erykah Badu

The vocals from this lady are nothing short of amazing on EVERY track that she has ever released. She sings about love, loss, children, hustling... life, in general. She has a love for hip hop AND soul and the way she makes them mesh has not been done by anyone-- not anyone that I have heard (not even Lauryn Hill... sorry for those fans). She runs a charity organization, stirs up controversy (see: Window Seat); her kids have the strangest names ever (Seven, Puma and Mars) and I absolutely adore her. I need more of her and soon.

Bag Lady

Next Lifetime

Love of My Life

Call Tyrone

Window Seat
(Yes, I want you to listen to music in the midst of stripping...)

Bonus-- Stay


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