Monday, July 26, 2010

A Year Long Commitment?

Last night I watched (finally) Julie and Julia. Awww, it was so cute! I am not sure why I waited so long to see it, I mean it is a story about a girl who blogs to make her life begin to make sense. Hmmm- I may or may not see parallels with my own life.

Alas- watching Julie and Julia makes me want to begin a year long commitment to something. I want to do something for 365 days and blog throughout the process. But what? I mean, I don't necessarily want to pick a cookbook and work my way through it. Seriously, that has already been done PLUS I have friends who have food blogs that I read and enjoy on a weekly basis. Not to even mention the fact that my parents would have a field day with the thought of me cooking for the next 365 days and putting the results online for everyone to see. Plus, I am not sure where I will be by the end of this year- I could be in Chicago, Ohio or anywhere else a job will take me! So what does that leave me with? The want to commit to something for a year that will make a difference in my life and the life of others, but no idea how to manifest that want into something productive... I need suggestions. What would you suggest?


Miss Mox said...

Check out all four of those food blogs... they are amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, are you possibly placing too much emphasis on what it is that you will do? I mean, cooking for 365 days isn't monumental, yet from the film you derived somthing greater... pick something you've always wanted to do and do it... paint... write... bead jewlery... walk your dogs daily.... photography... anything is important if it's important to you :) xx

MrBrownThumb said...

How about one of those self-portraits projects? One pic of yourself for 365 days.

If you like the idea of food but you don't want a "food blog" why not photograph what you eat every day for the year?

Miss Mox said...

Thanks for the suggestions!! I think I know what I am gonna do... stay tuned for the big announcement! :)

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