Oh My God!?!?!?! Deceived by my own hometown. Columbus, Ohio-- what the hell are you doing? Whose ignorant ass is throwing a light skinned vs. dark skinned party AND who are the assholes supporting this? Are you serious? We have so many things that we should be concentrating on in the Black community, education that needs to be captured, teen pregnancies that need to be prevented, love that needs to be given to one another, criminal behavior that needs to be stopped, the betterment of our young Black men that needs to be priority number one... the list is extensive and some smart ass comes up with this "super classy" event?! I am upset and I am not even going to be there.
Where the hell is the protest? Why aren't Black women mad that they are being objectified? Why aren't Black men screaming against the women in the community being treated like property? Seriously!!?
You know what makes me sick to my stomach? If a White person was the promoter of this party, Black people everywhere would be screaming about prejudices, racial profiling and the objectification of Black women... yet somehow when we do it to one another, it is ok? The people throwing this party should be ashamed, as well as any party goers... Ah, the things that we will accept. SMH.
Black women have been fighting this fight with each other forever and I can NOT believe that anyone would think that this party concept is ok.... *sigh* Jesus...
Don't we all remember this from School Daze???
How about we all do THIS...

I share your sentiment, and you know that it's a rare occasion that you and I ever agree. This is not only the worst plea ever to promote a night life event anytime, anyplace, but this, in my opinion, is racially disturbing, culturally biased, and, for lack of a better word, STUPID! I absolutely cannot fathom or dare to, whom would be willing to attend this event and have a conscience. This is some bulls**t. Period.
Ha! It is NOT rare that we agree. You just tale a bit longer to realize that my opinion is right! ;)
I hope this party is a huge dud and no one ever attempts this crazy shit again!
how ignorant! i saw this go by in my google reader the other day and just came back to it to see what was up in c-bus. i can't believe this crap.
What's worse is: there have been several attempts to have a light vs dark party in a couple different places in the US. all attempts have been met w protest... Yet someone, somewhere still thinks this nonsense is a good idea. I wonder how many people will turn out this weekend! :(
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